Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pictures so far....

The sign for Starbucks on Franklin Street

The Sign for Caffe Driade

interview questions!

Here were some of the interview questions we came up with to ask at Starbucks and Cafe Driade

Managers/ Owners:

1. What kinds of customers are you trying to attract?

  • How do you attract people and publicize your store?
  • What kinds of people visit this store? (demographics, social groupings, etc.)

2. How did you decide the decorations and appearance of the store?

3. What makes your store unique?

4. What factors contribute to your success as a coffee shop?

5. What do you provide for the customers? (entertainment, wi-fi, outdoor seating… etc.)

6. Who chooses the music and how does this affect your customers?

7. Can you tell about the history of this store and how you think that has shaped your


8. How does the atmosphere here change throughout the day and throughout the week?

      • morning vs. night
      • weekday vs. weekend

9. Does competition affect the way you run your store, if so how and what actions do you take to

bring in customers?

10. How do you encourage customers to be loyal to your store?

11. Do you think your loyal customers are of a certain demographic?


  1. What made you decide to get coffee here rather than another shop down the street?
  2. How has your perception of coffee shops changed after visiting this location?
  3. When and why do you visit the store? (time and purpose)
  4. How has the location of this store affected your decision?
  5. What’s the first thing you think of when we say Starbucks or Café Driade?
Three Related Projects and Blogs

Four Related Links to our project

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Complex Question Change

After discussing our project, we have decided to change the complex question. Because we are only comparing two stores, we felt the need to include the names in our question, and then relate it to the general theme of the ownership of the coffee shop.

Our new complex question is...
How does the perception of a coffee shop alter between the Chapel Hill Starbucks (a corporately-owned giant) and Café Driade (an independently owned store)?

More information to be added soon!

Monday, September 3, 2007

First post

The socio-space chosen by our group was a coffee shop. Group members: Marissa, Shannon, and Freddie.

Our complex question is "How does the perception of a coffee shop alter between individually owned and corporately owned stores?"


Marissa Miano:
Shannon Stinson:
Freddie Jolly: